
GUEST BLOGGER: Sharon Stevens

Grief is something we all have to face in some way at some time. Loss of any kind---a relative, a pet, a divorce or separation---all different situations involving different intensities and timelines---is inevitable. How we react to and view loss will affect us.

Those of us who have a relationship with God the Father and God the Son (Jesus) have a definite advantage as He is our comforter and counselor. It is His will all come to Him through Salvation. As we are in the midst of the emotional and yes, the physical pain grief bestows on us, we should never stuff it away in the back of our minds; but instead talk about it and cry about it to God and our trusted friends and family. Talk and cry - over and over.

Time will help heal.

Serving others will help heal.

Always remember God understands and cares for you. Our loss will never be forgotten, but talking about the happy times you had is very emotionally healing. You can talk to God all you want. He is always listening! Talk to others too. They may not always listen because they are human. But talk anyway.

It is okay to cry to God and and other trusted people even if it is months or years after your loss.

So know God, talk it out, cry it out, and serve God and others all you can!

Then grief won’t overpower you.

Fellowship Church