Controlling Christmas

Too often the mention of Christmas comes with a sigh. To some, Christmas is an exhaustive attempt to make everyone happy (except yourself). Rushing family to family, preparing extravagant meals, overeating, overspending, sometimes overdrinking, small talk, traditions we may not even like and then in a blink of an eye, it’s over. 

For those of you reading that would call yourself a Christian, this all can be frustrating as all of this rushing around leaves little room for celebration of the reason we’re even celebrating, Jesus! It hit me over 20 years ago as I found myself trapped in this whirlwind of a holiday and saw how rare Jesus was even mentioned.  I found myself most joyful in the short hour I spent at my church celebrating Jesus, singing about Him and hearing a message all about Him along with spending time with other believers who I felt loved by. It was my first experience at FC in which Christmas changed forever. It was because of this focused time that I was no longer going to ignore the reason I’m celebrating. I was going to now be strategic and intentional. Jesus was not going to be unintentionally pushed aside anymore, especially on the day we celebrate His birth! 

So in my continued effort to do so and for some of you that feel this struggle, I give you some advice from several groups I attend and the wonderful people in them:

  • Pray before gift opening. Sounds so simple! We never did it. We never thought of it! Shame on us, I guess? A simple prayer of thanks that we have gifts to open and the clarity of Jesus as our true gift and the salvation that comes with knowing Him

  • Read The Christmas Story (Luke 1 or Matthew 1) It’s still such a remarkable story. Humble beginnings, uncertainty, trust, and what a gift to all of us!

  • The Jesus Box – based on a story my family and I heard, we write down things each family member did throughout the year that was much like Jesus. Ex. Giving to the homeless, opening the door for someone, donating a kidney (my wife changed the game that year!) Put these notes in a box and it’s the last gift you open!

  • Birthday Cake for Jesus – the simplicity of actually celebrating and maybe even singing happy birthday to Him puts Him first. 

  • YouVersion Christmas Plans – a free app with plenty of great plans leading up to Christmas. 3 day plans, 5 day plans, and some even longer. What a way to get into the Christmas spirit! 

  • Time Alone with God – schedule it, find a location that is uninterrupted and peaceful. Be still. Rest in Him. Trust Him. He is at work. Pray real words, be authentic. Let Him know your struggles and trust that He hears you and will do what only He does!

  • Attend church - yes, I’d love for you to come to Fellowship this Friday at 3:30 or 5:00 but just attend a church that talks about Jesus and worships Him. You’ll definitely leave better!

I truly hope each one of you has a very special memorable Christmas!

Rich Pancoast