I'm Inspired

We all need to be inspired. 

One of the reasons I love my job so much is that I get inspired all the time from the people of this church. I have countless examples of people doing things that truly encourage and motivate me. They also strengthen my faith. Based on the fact that the people I speak of are not mentioned by name is because honestly they’d probably feel very uncomfortable. (They’re not very comfortable with praise.) That may be another reason why I love them so much and are inspired by them. So here is a list that is never ending. The stories keep coming.

I’m inspired by:

  1. The lady from our church that despite dealing with agoraphobia (fear of leaving their house) for more than 2 years decided to step out, come to church, then go public and be baptized. The baptism, in turn, inspired2 others to do the same!
  2. A young lady here who despite countless health issues, where the pain and fatigue is unbearable, sings beautifully on Sundays preparing the hearts of those attending to hear from God.  She inspiresso many of us, never complaining and always praying.
  3. The couple that despite the difficult season they are in, asks others to pray for them and their marriage. Their transparency and clear effort to get better is inspiring. You can’t fix fake! 
  4. A lady that gives countless hours to the teens at our Living Proof environment and the children of Vacation Bible Camp. She knows every teen by name. She knows what they’re all going through. She listens to them and they absolutely love her. #Teenwhisperer. She tirelessly sets up for VBC with her team. She’ll often say she didn’t go 'all out' but when we see it each year, we wonder what ‘all out’ could possibly mean with her. It’s always next level and all of us look at it inspired!
  5. The couple who serve in every environment and always wonder why everyone wouldn’t want to do this. They see their growth in Christ moving each time they (like Christ) serve. 
  6. The lady who who first brought her daughters to the ‘LP Mess Fest’ last year and actually returned! She now brings them every week. 2 weeks ago she went from a daughter’s dance practice to church to the other daughter’s soccer practice! She still fit church in. She gets it. That is inspiring! 

Here’s the thing. I have so many more. 

I can go on and on. I actually left out my wife, my mother-in-law and our staff. They have inspired me all along. I am beyond blessed to be inspired daily by the people I get to do life with.

Who are you inspired by? Who are you inspiring? People are watching!  



Rich Pancoast