Virtual Church

I completely miss my church family….immensely. I so look forward to Sunday and the many conversations I get into. I miss our serving teams who arrive earlier than anyone else. I miss the energy. I miss the face to face, the hugs……that word now seems so forbidden!

I didn’t know what to expect last Sunday when for the first time ever, we had an online experience only. It was amazing! I loved the energy during the countdown as we could see people ‘entering’ the virtual experience. Others were welcoming them, saying “good morning” and “hello”. People commented during the message and no one said “shhhh!”. There was encouragement and great thoughts. I loved the selfies! People drinking their coffee sitting with their whole family. Others in their pajamas (not judging…..why not?). In fact, it went so well, I worry about people coming back to the building where pajamas may not be the norm. 

The church is not a building, it’s the people. We are still the church because of all of you. Thank you for continuing your engagement. We truly miss all of you but are consistently praying for each of you. 

 Love you!

Rich Pancoast