Can You Hear Me Now?


Genesis 22:2-11
Sometimes I think it would be great to have lived back in days when God spoke to people like Abraham to give him instructions on what He wanted him to do. Clear instruction from God so many times would be beneficial to cut off some of the needless spinning our wheels on a day-to-day basis. To know what God was going to tell you and what you were going to do that day would be wonderful.

Well, thankfully, He does.

Some people have a one-way conversation with God because they don't think God could talk to them. I don't think that's true. I think God has spoken to me several times, maybe not in a verbal voice but He has impressed upon me during Bible study and prayer. We should talk to God every day and allow Him to work in us so we try to live a better life instead of going through the motions and making wrong decisions. If we had a GPS in our body, God could tell us what path to take.

Don't be so busy about God things, church things, family things, friend things, that you can't hear God speak to you. BE STILL AND LISTEN TO GOD. He doesn't give too many facts because we wouldn't be able to live by faith. God uses our destination and our journey to teach us lessons along the way.

God tells Abraham to "take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering, upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of." Abraham didn't know the answers to the questions, but God did, even before creation. God will tell you 'while' you walk. JUST WALK WITH GOD. Keep walking until God tells you to turn. God speaks when it's important, not always when it's needed.

Listen to God's voice, not your family, friends, church, or the world. God directed Abraham where they were supposed to go to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham knew where God was leading when he saw the place. God wants to speak to us in our spirit. Crisis is just a test to learn how to trust Him. Abraham left some of his people down at the bottom of the mountain and didn't take them up with him. Some people you can't take with you, meaning you have to break fellowship with them so you stay straight and not get into more trouble. Dedication sometimes requires separation. The closer to your destiny, the more you are alone. Some people would be a hindrance for you.

"And the angel of the Lord called under him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham and he said, HERE AM I."
Be in a place spiritually where you can hear God now because Abraham would have slain Isaac if he couldn't hear God say wait. God didn't want Abraham's son, but he did want Abraham to listen to his voice. God provided a ram as Abraham was going up one side of the mountain. The ram or what God was providing for the sacrifice was going up the other side of the mountain. God provides a ram or in Jesus’ case, a lamb. A sacrificial lamb that would take the sins of the world on himself. Everything God calls you to do, He will provide what you need to accomplish HIS WILL for you.


Make sure it's God's direction and not just what you want. If we let God order our steps, it would be like Google. Google knows what we need before we can type the whole word. God knows what He has ordered our steps for, and if we walk in SUBMISSION as both Abraham and Isaac did, then we are in His will. If we believe in the sovereignty of God that He knows what is best for us, but we don't want to be in submission, then we are fake Christians. He will not take the step for us but He will lead us to take each step. I have confidence in knowing that I shall not be cast down even if I fall. All our steps are ordered by God and we should follow them and not just the ones we want to. God gives you grace to take our next step my faith knowing God has ordered them. It's a wonderful circle; THE MORE WE ASK GOD TO LEAD US, THEN WE FOLLOW, HE GIVES US MORE AND MORE GOOD THINGS BECAUSE WE OBEY.


Rich Pancoast