Waiting on God in the MIDDLE

Guest Blogger - Ken Morrison

Three years ago I left Maryland, a place I had lived for over 50 years, to start a new life. The only thing I had in Connecticut was a new job and a hotel reservation  (a place to stay while I looked for a place to live). I only knew one person in Connecticut, and he was the person that hired me.


As I drove towards Connecticut and across the Tappan Zee Bridge, it seemed as though I was leaving my past behind me and my new life was in front of me. In some ways I felt like Abram leaving the land he lived to go to the land God showed him or Joshua crossing the Jordan river into the Promised Land. I felt God had led me to this new job and new place. I had a dream of becoming GREAT at this job and my new life would fill my heart’s desire. By trusting and following God all would be well. On my mind was the following quote.

“When you come to the edge of all the light you have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen. Either there will be something solid for you to stand on - or you will be taught how to fly.” - Patrick Overton

As a follower of Christ, I took this this as Jesus would give me the solid place to stand or He would teach me to fly.

But, my new life didn’t go as planned. My job took a different direction. Promises made by my employer vanished and a life hoped for didn’t work out. I felt Connecticut had  became a metaphor for everything but my Promised Land.

Where is God when We are in the Middle of Pain and Disappointment?

Maybe your life hasn’t gone as planned either. Many of us are in THE MIDDLE, using a different word picture for ‘the middle’ than Pastor Andy. Here, THE MIDDLE is the middle of waiting for a blessing, for prayer to be answered, or a bad situation to be taken away.

  • We want an opportunity in our jobs

  • We want a job

  • We want healing in a relationship

  • We want a relationship

  • We want healing from sickness

  • We want to be loved

  • We want a child

  • We want a family


THE MIDDLE is God is telling us - not yet. The MIDDLE could be waiting for something small, but often it is waiting for something that is huge in our lives.

The MIDDLE means disappointment, hurting, pain and loss. It is often God building us up for what he has planned for us and we can only learn what we need to while we are in THE MIDDLE.

It is hard to see outside of our circumstances in THE MIDDLE when we have waited a long time for God’s blessing or suffered setback - after setback. It is easy to think God has forgotten us.

However, there is purpose in the pain as there are things you can only learn while you are in THE MIDDLE.

Sometimes God delays what we want in order to give us something better than we think we need. That is difficult to understand when we have lost that thing we wanted or we are redirected on the path we were heading.

As Pastor Andy said, “Often the situation that we want changed is what God uses to change us.  He is more interested in preparing your character than giving you what you want or making sure you are comfortable.”

We Must Exist in God's Timing

In THE MIDDLE, there are things which are available to us now and things which are not available to us now, but will be available to us later, as part of God's plan.

We are often in a hurry, but God isn't. That is why there is a delay between asking God and receiving his blessing in THE MIDDLE. Some of you may remember from Daring Faith where Pastor Rick Warren described this as ‘planting and harvesting.’ We can't expect the crop to come in the day after we plant it or our prayers answered immediately after we pray them.

What you ask for and need might fall in line with God’s teachings, but a delay is not God saying no. You and I may not be ready for His final blessing. God sees all time, is all knowing, and doesn't make a mistake. God's perfect timing is best in our lives.

What Does Scripture Say About THE MIDDLE?

We must stay connected to God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit while in THE MIDDLE. When we do, He unfolds the plan for our lives, one step at a time. We must point our compass vertically to God in prayer and listen to Him through the scriptures to stay closely connected to Him during this time. This connection to God will create a more intimate relationship with Jesus and we will walk closer with Him as He works us through to our blessing.

Wait on the Lord

Teach me your way, O LORD, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies. Give me not up to the will of my adversaries; for false witnesses have risen against me, and they breathe out violence. I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!

Psalm 27: 11-14

God Has a Very Good Plan for You

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

Ask Him to Guide You and Fulfill Your Needs

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:12-13

Don’t Be Anxious but Pray and Be Thankful

In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Philippians 4:6-7

We Won't Be Disappointed By God If We Wait

To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul. O my God, in you I trust; let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me. Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.

Psalm 25:1.

What Does Waiting on the Lord in THE MIDDLE Mean?

Waiting in THE MIDDLE is NOT doing nothing. It is NOT putting our lives on hold. We must CONTINUE to:

  • Pray

  • Serve - Volunteer

  • Interact with other Christians

  • Learn about God and stay in His Word

  • Believe in God and His plan

We must continue to be guided by God and trust Him. Even when our future is unclear. We enter a time of ACTIVE STILLNESS. God can’t steer us in the right direction if we are sitting completely still. Some suggest keeping a journal and writing down everything you are learning during this time.

Don’t Do It on Your Own

Sometimes, when we have waited and waited with no solution, we make a decision outside of God's instruction and His guidance, and do things on our own.

I have fallen into that trap many times in my life and decided to ignore God's teachings and direction. In doing so, I disrupted God's plan for my life or missed his plan.

We make mistakes when we point our compass to someone or something other than God.

But, God is good. He will make another plan for you if you fall back into connection with Him. He will take you where you are and give you a whole new beginning.


Before I left Maryland I confided in a friend and told him I was thinking about turning down the job offer in Connecticut. He told me I would be turning my back on God's plan for me. Today, that is very hard for me to understand especially in the sorrow and loneliness I am in currently.


For me, THE MIDDLE is hard. I don't write these things as an expert or as someone who has mastered waiting in the MIDDLE and waiting on God. This information is important for me to learn, too.

I have prayed for and desire many things which include removal of loneliness, a purpose in this stage of my life, and some things that are voiced only between me and God.

I ask that you, who are also in THE MIDDLE, walk beside me. Some of you are friends, and others I don’t know. The only thing you may feel we have in common is that you are waiting, too.

Remember these things according to the scripture while you are in THE MIDDLE:

  • God has a very good plan for you

  • You must ask him to guide you and you must ask him to give you your needs

  • Be thankful when you pray, not anxious, and you will be at peace with God.

  • You won't be disappointed with God by waiting on Him

We show God we are honoring and glorifying His Lordship when we acknowledge His power, knowledge and timing. We are obedient when we  stay in His Word, listen to His direction for our lives, and pray for our desires and needs.

What God has planned for us may not be ours today. We don't have to fear losing. God will provide us what we need in His plan because He is a loving God. When we follow and obey Him, He keeps His promises.

Stay strong in THE MIDDLE. As Pastor Rick Warren says: In many ways, we must always walk through the wilderness to make it to the Promised Land.




Fellowship Church
The God I Wish You Knew


The God I Wish You Knew! What does that mean to me? What does that mean to you? This is our current series and it has led to much contemplation as of late. Mostly good in case you are wondering. lol Let me tell you about the God that I know!

I have seen my share of trial and tribulation and I, still currently, am not out of the fire. There are days when the inner demons of my mind fight tooth and nail to take me down. There are days when I want to shout at the world, This is not fair! There are days when I ask, "Why me Lord?" There are days when I feel so small and insignificant and like I don't really matter. There are days when I just don't want to put my foot forward, when I just want to hide under the covers and wish this whole life away. I think there are times when we all face some situation in life that just doesnt seem like it will ever straighten out and that we are doomed to face this forever. The outside we portray to the world does not always convey the inside emotions we are experiencing.

When you seem like a rock to so many, sometimes people forget that you, too, can experience trying times. The biggest difference is how you handle those times. How do you handle them? Well let me tell you, I don't! God does! The God I know is ALWAYS there for me. He is waiting there to hold me up and to help push me forward. He gives me the strength and peace I need to face those times. Without Him, I would be a stark raving lunatic. So many times when things seems too big to handle or so out of my control that I say a short prayer and just ask Him for strength, peace and patience. And you know what...He gives it. Honestly, within minutes, I am calm and my thoughts of worry, anxiety, fear are all gone. This is the God I know!!! I do not ask for Him to take the situation away. He could do that at any time. He knows what is going on. I know He sees all and allows us to experience certain situations to strengthen us, to allow us to lean on Him more, to look to Him for encouragement and support. I am being trained to be stronger and more faith driven. Where would I be if I were not allowed to go through this?

We are entering a time as a church when many are experiencing much difficulty specifically because the evil one sees our God at work in Fellowship. The God I wish you knew wants us to draw together more so as a family. He does not want us to experience these trials alone. He wants us to reach out to one another as a family. He wants us to draw closer together, encouraging and supporting one another as His family moves forward during these times. And make no mistake, we are a family. God is our Father, Christ is our Lord and Savior and you, dear church, are my brothers and sisters. The God I wish you knew does not abandon us but gives us fellow siblings to help on our journey.

The God I wish you knew took a lost angry man and turned him into someone He can use to further His will. He has taken me and molded me into someone who strives to encourage, to support, to inspire, to serve. It is not about me but about what He wants me to do. I am not any one special. I am an average ordinary person trying to make my way through life the best I can. The difference now is that I am doing it knowing He is with me every moment and in every situation. I am His child and He is there loving me, watching over me and pushing me to help others!

And my journey is with soooooooo many others. We do not always know who we affect in our walk and in our actions. I can list so many who have affected me personally at Fellowship. First, my wife Lori, who has truly shown me what having a deep faith in Christ means. Ed Hickman, Anthony Jenkins, Jim Lawrence, Ken Morrison, Rich Stevens, Joe Bouley, all warriors in our men's group showing me support and encouragement as we walk together. Rich Pancoast for the joy he constantly shows for our lord. Vicki Pancoast, Lisa Brown Tica, Riley McConnell, voices to inspire and help me to worship. Dennis Bishop, a man of incredible strength and humbleness. Matt and Stephanie Sykes, younger ones whose passion for the Lord is beyond question. Amy Swanson, such a powerful testimony that makes me realize I don't have it so bad and inspires me to continue forward. Kellyann McConnell for her selfless devotion to LP and creativity in sprucing up Fellowship. John and Michelle Vigneri, love conversing with them and their smiles are infectious. Jeff Caiola, coffee, kind words, wisdom. Bella Caiola, a smile that could light up the world. Such a brave little girl who just seems to find the joy in life and leaves little time for pity. Kathleen Skalandunas, selfless; Willow, artistic; Jared, always contributing quietly. Bill and Laura Wilson, contantly serving and forever with smiles. Laurie and Dale Hall; selfless devotion to LP and church; Cindy Schulte, grace, wisdom, patience, always a kind word and never a frown. I could continue this list for another two pages so please don't feel left out if I did not name you. There are so many many more worth mentioning. (Lara, Marcel, Scott, Todd, Vinnie, Gary, Ashley, Darby. See what I mean. Smiles)

I saved Pastor Andy for last because you always save the best for last. This man just gets it. That perhaps is the highest compliment I can give anyone. The God I wish you Knew has given us a pastor worth knowing. A man who truly loves Christ with all his heart and always leads us in that direction. It cannot be an easy journey for him at times and yet time and again he just seems to find the right note to inspire us, encourage us, support us, love us. I will follow willingly if I am being led properly. It is never about Pastor Andy and he will be the first to tell you so. I love that immensely!

This is the God I wish you knew. Who took an average ordinary broken man and showed him where his home is. Who placed so many extraordinary people in his life and helped him to realize he is not alone. Who knows my life, my struggles, my faults and still accepts me as one of His children. Who truly cares for me and wants the best for me. A God who knows my name.

This is the God I wish you Knew. A God so loving, gracious, merciful, kind, patient, strengthening, all knowing that provides a family for us. One who provides a loving home to worship in at Fellowship. One that wants us to encounter, encourage and engage not only those outside our walls but also those inside. Fellowship is about family and The God I wish you knew has always been about family otherwise why bother sending His one true Son down to die for us. Love most holy and supreme! We are family and we are in this journey together!

This is the God I know! THIS IS THE GOD I WISH YOU KNEW!!!!!

Fellowship Church
Not Defined By My Anxiety


"And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." Matthew 10:30-31

Life is messy, but how beautiful is it that we were each created in the image of such a perfect God? To know that the very hairs on my head are all accounted for helps me realize that I was made for more than depression. I was made for more than anxiety. Some days we get lost in our anguish and in our pain; and that's OK. Being a human is hard work, and Jesus came to earth in the flesh so that He could experience firsthand what we would experience. Sadness, anger, frustration, heart wrenching loss, betrayal and heartache. These are all things that we experience here on earth and some days it weighs us down more than others.

Today, I feel gut wrenchingly sad. I feel like all of my hope has been sucked out of me. But then I remind myself of the joy that comes through God. 

"So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:6-7

What peace this brings me. Although things are hard right now, I need to hold on. My purpose is bigger than this, and so is yours.

I challenge everyone to look beyond your pain. Trust me when I say that I know what It feels like to be stuck in darkness. I know what it feels like to be drowning in your own emotions. I also know what it feels like to not want to be alive. Most people who know me would never guess that I struggle with thoughts of suicide, but the warfare that goes on in my head is real and it's hard to listen to. So when I say I understand, it's because I truly understand. You are not alone.

Life can be really hard and the human experience is something that can really break people. However, I refuse to let it break me. My life was made for something beautiful and although right now I can't see that beauty, I remind myself that it is there. Although life is hard and messy, it is also remarkably amazing. Every breath that we take is a blessing and every day that we are here is an opportunity for growth.

So today was hard and has left me feeling defeated, but tomorrow is brand new. Tomorrow holds 86,400 beautiful seconds and I have that many opportunities to do better and to be better. I need to hold on to that hope. The hope that joy is coming. The hope that God loves me and created me for something amazing. The hope that depression and anxiety will not define me. The hope that I was put here to be a light amidst the darkness of the world. The hope that I deserve to be here. And the hope that better days are coming. Tonight I am holding on to these hopes with all of my might and reminding myself of this:

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world." John 16:33

This battle is not mine to fight. So tonight I hand it over to God. Because although life is tough, I've got a God that's tougher.

Rich Pancoast
A Life Forever Changed

We have all been “brainwashed” in some capacity regarding our faith. For me, I was brought up thinking there was a God but not enough of one to give any attention to or live a certain way. I was a “sporadic Catholic” and when I say “sporadic” I mean I attended church once a year, if that. For you, it may be the opposite. Maybe you went to church every Sunday, maybe even a Wednesday as well. We naturally follow our parent’s patterns – good or bad.

When I was in my 20’s my best friend accepted Christ. It was because of this that I decided I needed to figure this whole thing out. I motivated myself to read through the Bible (King James Version) Thousands of pages - zero comprehension. I had to check it off my list. Turns out that deep down I actually was learning.

Then I met my future wife Vicki. She sees I have a Bible on my coffee table and a cross hung over my bed. RED FLAG. “He’s a Holy Roller, Bible Thumper, Jesus Freak.” She didn’t leave. Thank God. She was intrigued enough to ask questions and have conversations. We decided to look around for a church.

The first one we visited passed the offering basket rather quickly and often (twice). They seemed to want our money yet we didn’t know them at all yet. I felt a bit used. The second one we visited, the doors were locked and the pastor was on a sabbatical – felt as though God was telling me this wasn’t the one. Our third church just didn’t feel right – almost too welcoming – a bit much. It didn’t feel authentic.

Finally, upon pressure of a good friend of mine from the gym (he was very intimidating, muscular and may have bullied me as I look back) Vicki and I decided to go to his church that he was attending - Fellowship Church. Our first visit was unlike anything I have ever experienced. The Pastor (Andy) came over and introduced himself and got to know us a bit. The message was something I understood and it inspired me to act it out during the week. All of the Bible references were explained so I could understand. Each week inspired me to pursue God on my own – praying, reading the Bible, serving and getting involved in groups. It was within that first year that Vicki and I asked Pastor Andy to officiate our marriage. We spend 6 weeks with him in our premarital counseling. I realized what a man of God looks like. I saw a man who followed Christ in every capacity – a living example of someone who was doing his very best to be the real deal. I am so thankful for that. Every one of us should have these people in our lives.

I accepted Christ years before going to Fellowship Church but it was this church that inspired me to live it out. No hypocrisy – doing my very best to be more and more like Jesus Christ. Loving people as they’ve never been loved before, looking for opportunities to serve others and teaching whatever I can to those interested in learning about the One who changed my life forever. Do I still mess up? Yes, but that's a longer blog.

If someone told me 25 years ago that I would be attending church every week and actually enjoying it, I would have never believed it. If someone told me I’d work at a church, well that would even be tougher. Thank you Fellowship Church for changing my life. #upandtotheright  


Rich Pancoast
I Get To Go To Church

Guest Blogger - Cindy Schulte


When my daughter Vicki and her fiancé Rich were looking for a church many years ago to start attending, they found Fellowship.  She telephoned me to ask me to join her on a Sunday – my response was that I should not leave the church I had been going to for many years.  In my statement to her I said that I had to go to my church.  Her reply was “When you want to go to a church (not have to), try Fellowship."  Hmmm.. sometimes you just can’t go against true logic.

I decided to go one Sunday – not knowing that I would need Kleenex galore as the message just spoke to my inner soul.  I went every single week.  How did the pastor know what was on my heart?  How can you listen to a sermon for 35 plus minutes and want more?  On that first Sunday I went home and wrote a letter to my previous church to take me off their list because I would no longer be attending.  Did anyone call me to ask why?  Never.  Not once.

Within a month I knew that God had placed me here and I am eternally grateful to my daughter for inviting me.  I got a Bible, not really knowing what to do with it or how to start.  But each week I found the scriptures and looked them up (much difficulty in the beginning – even when I got the tabs – it was not alphabetical – ugh!!).  But through Growth Groups (small groups that meet weekly), friends (who I met here at FC) and weekly messages the Bible has become such a source of support, comfort and knowledge that God is always with me.

Fellowship Church and its welcoming “come as you are” message treats us just as Jesus does.  Even my husband, who was not attending church at the time, showed up just to see what I was "getting myself into."

The pastors (Steve and Andy Eiss) just shared with him what he needed to read to find Jesus.  Bob had to investigate the phenomenon of Jesus and when he read the book “ A Case for Christ” by Lee Stroebel recommended to him by them….he was caught. What a wonderful transformation! This church brought him to Christ and when he was diagnosed with cancer 8 years ago – he had the foundation with Christ that brought him through it all – a true inspiration.  This gave me a stronger faith as I watched Jesus through him.  He would have so much joy in his heart trying to share with others the message of Christ until his dying day.

I cannot tell you how much this church has helped me through the death of my husband, it boggles my mind, but I will continue to strive to move “Up and to the Right” with a church full of family that I can rely on!

Thank you to my daughter Vicki for making that call 17 years ago…I know that God put it on her heart and she responded.  My life is forever changed! 




Rich Pancoast
To Forgive or Not To Forgive

Unforgiveness ties us to a person forever. Forgiveness releases. 

I spoke a couple of weeks ago about the process of forgiveness. Click here if you didn't get a chance to watch it. I learned by going through a very difficult experience in my life that this is never easy. Upon sharing this tough memory of mine, I learned 2 things:

  • Too many other people went through this abuse as well
  • Unforgiveness absolutely wrecks us

I spoke to so many people afterwards and learned that a lot of them went through this sexual abuse themselves. Sadly, more often than not, it was internal (family) that did the abusing. Some still have to be in the same room with the ones who did this to them. I cannot fathom. Their quest to forgive seems immeasurable. 

I've read a lot about forgiveness recently. When we refuse to forgive someone, we still want something from them, even if it's revenge that we want, it keeps us tied to the person forever. Unforgiveness destroys a good life. Forgiveness creates it. To forgive means we will never get from that person what was owed us. What's done is done and can't be undone. But the result of forgiveness is freedom from that reality and the chance to have a future unaffected by resentment and grudges from the past. It takes the power away from others (the ones that hurt you), and we get our lives back. Forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred and the waste of energy. 

When we read through God's Word, we read of so many examples of incredible forgiveness starting with the most amazing one of all: Jesus. In the most horrific setting, nailed to a cross, beaten and bloodied, mocked and ridiculed, spit at and whipped, Jesus says, "Father forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." Luke 23:34. This sets the bar high. He's the example we should follow in our own lives. 

We left that Sunday with a call to action. We left writing initials of someone that we know we should, at the very least, start a process of forgiving. I hope and pray that all of you who took part in this are making progress. For those who were not there, who is it that you need to start forgiving today?



Rich Pancoast
You're Invited (again)

Easter in right around the corner. I have a list of great people (some of you are nice enough to read this) that I would love to join me at Fellowship Church for this weekend's Easter services. But I also have a list of great people that I want to continue to be friends with. 

It's always been difficult for me to invite my friends to church. In my head, I feel as though they're looking at me like I'm selling a time share or the newest pyramid scheme (or scam, depending on who you ask). Everyone is used to agenda. Now that I work at my church I still do not get a bonus for the number of people I invite to our church. My agenda sincerely is HOPE. This world is crazy! Honestly, look around. All of us are on a treadmill that has no OFF button. We are non stop. Stressed, anxious, and worried everyday and there's no light at the end of the tunnel...in fact, that may be a train. Where does it all end and how? 

I found a light at the end. I found hope. I found Jesus Christ (although He wasn't lost) He has completely changed my life. That may sound crazy to you (I get it, I thought all Christians were absolutely nuts once upon a time). 

So here's my invite to all of you. I would absolutely love to see you this weekend. 

Rich Pancoast
Are Bald People Allowed in Church?

It's an interesting question, but not a real one. Clearly, bald people are allowed at Fellowship Church. In fact, and my whole point here, is that EVERYONE is allowed here at FC. We are often asked these questions. "Can I wear shorts?" "Do you allow divorced people here?" or "My life's a mess, am I welcome there?" To all those questions, we answer YES. The reason we answer yes is because the One we follow Jesus Christ, would have said yes. Jesus welcomed everyone. Bald or hairy, shorts or pants, divorced or married, tax collectors, prostitutes, etc. You did't have to "clean up your act" to be introduced to Him but upon knowing Him, you'd want to! He changes lives. I've seen it all around me. 

As Christians, true followers of Jesus, let's not get in the way. No legalism, no judgement, just plain LOVE. Love people enough for them to know the love Jesus provides. He will change everything!

Easter is coming! What a great opportunity to invite all of the above, even the bald people!


Rich Pancoast