Game Changer

I have been pretty excited lately in seeing all that God has been doing inside of our church. A month ago we challenged FCer’s to read the Bible in one year. 172 people took on the challenge! This will change every one of their lives forever. It has certainly changed mine. Scheduling time with God each day is a ‘game changer’. What you’re scheduling each day in your life communicates to others what’s most important. Exercise, hobbies, Netflix binge watching, video games, prayer, reading the Bible or a devotional, getting together with other believers in a group? No matter what it is, it tells others a lot about you.

As of late, I have had this thirst to be extremely authentic in my faith….the real deal. I’m not there yet, but I’m trying! As I claim to be a Christian, I want to live it out. The ‘proof is in the pudding’…..what does that even mean?!? Just thought it fit there.

If I want to be all that Jesus has for me, I better spend time with Him. The same can be said if I want to be an astronaut, I’d probably want to be spending time at NASA. To be what we wish to be takes being in the right places. My faith has grown immensely by being in church on Sundays, having quiet time daily with God and even attending groups throughout the week. Being with other like-minded people who are trying to grow in their faith as well has really helped my journey. It also has given me a bunch of close friends who I can go to for encouragement.

Our FC Groups are starting next week. These are usually an hour long and meet once a week for 10 weeks. These groups really change the week! Check them out here. Many of us leave Sundays at church and enter toxic environments at work. It’s great to get another serving of sanity and love on a weekday. I highly recommend these groups. The leaders are incredible people that love Jesus and love people. They also love the church and understand the importance of making disciples.

It’s your decision. It’s been said that we are ridiculously in control of so much more than we think. We can decide today to be a ‘game changer’, a ‘difference maker’ and most importantly, a true Jesus follower. It’s your move.

Rich Pancoast
Not to Offend You, But You’re Invited

It’s interesting how often we ‘tiptoe’ into each Christmas. Most of you have heard the ‘offensive’ greeting of saying “Merry Christmas” before. One may rebuke, “It’s Happy Holidays!” We are in a fascinating time where a kind gesture can be misinterpreted as offensive. As a Christian, if someone was to come up to me and say, “Happy Hanukkah!”, I would not get upset……in fact, I may not even correct them. It was a nice gesture, I’ll take it. 

For me, Christmas and Easter are opportunities to really celebrate my faith, not to offend. The fact is, we don’t celebrate these two holidays without this faith. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ while Easter celebrates Him raising from the dead. So I would say if any two holidays were ok to talk about Jesus, these may be them. Can St. Patrick’s day really be celebrated without mentioning St. Patrick…….ok, bad example….not sure if he’s ever mentioned. Could be the alcohol intake. 

This Christmas (less than 2 weeks away), I will again go into the holiday feeling extremely blessed and joyful that I get to celebrate a God who loves me and you unconditionally. A God who will never leave you or forsake you. A God who gives me an overwhelming sense of peace in an absolutely crazy world. A God who has blessed me with so much that I want to tell the world of His saving grace. A God that is just waiting for you to say YES to Him.

On Sunday December 23rd(9:00 & 10:30AM) and Sunday Christmas Eve (5:00PM) Fellowship Church will have a one-hour service celebrating Jesus. We’ll start with some upbeat music, a skit, a story for all the children right on stage, a candlelit rendition of Silent Night and a short relevant message on the hope of Christmas. There will also be coffee and cookies. This has been the start to my families Christmas for almost 20 years and I wouldn’t change a thing. I really hope you’ll join us. 




Rich Pancoast
Sideways Energy

I’ve been involved in the church for almost 20 years. I’ve seen a lot. In those years I’ve seen so many people take great steps in their faith. I have seen hundreds of people accept Jesus Christ into their heart, many go public with their faith and be baptized, and many serve in many different capacities. 

I’ve also seen people come into our building with more of a ‘what’s in it for me?’ attitude. I get it, it’s how we enter most buildings – movie theaters, restaurants and stores. We want to leave satisfied and happy with the way everything went – for us. The thing is, church was not created for ‘me’, it was created for ‘you’. The more ME you bring into church, the less you understand what the church was supposed to be. Yes, it’s a place to be ‘fed’ and to learn more about Christ. That’s the consumerism in it. But it’s not conditional feeding. We can’t go into a church each Sunday in hopes of them talking about what we want to talk about (most people like to talk about the stuff they’re not struggling with). It’s a big crowd and everyone is in a different place. The remarkable thing that God continually does each Sunday is to ignite people to take next steps. I cannot tell you how often so many people on Sunday swear the Pastor was talking directly to them! God does that. 

Here is my ask for all of you who read this and attend a church. These are some great ways to help the cause and build the church…..the church that Jesus died for:

1.    Come with an open mind and open heart. Leave the ‘junk’ at the door. Don’t allow anything to distract you from what God wants you to leave with.

2.    Go each week. Don’t allow the world to keep you from growing in your faith. Don’t allow children’s coaches to have a say in your child’s faith. Don’t allow that extra hour of sleep to keep you from the much needed one hour of God. Make it a habit. You won’t regret it.

3.    Get to know others at your church. Don’t wonder why no one is introducing themselves to you, you introduce yourself to them. There are great people in churches today (there are also some that are a bit different) Love them all. Stop taking the easy road by hanging out with the same ‘clique’ each Sunday. When first time guests come into a church full of pockets of people so consumed by their conversations, enough not to even look up, chances are they’ll go elsewhere looking for churches less ‘cliquey’. 

4.    What works for you may not work for others. The message you loved may not have had as much of an impact on someone else. The song that brought someone to tears may have no effect on you. What wasn’t meaningful to you may have been profoundly meaningful to others. God is doing things each week, trust that.

5.    When you feel as though you’ve shown enough grace, show more. People are broken. We’re all some sort of messed up. Let’s stop knocking each other down. Let’s start assuming the best in others instead of assuming the worst. Let’s understand that until we walk in other’s shoes, we really have no clue. People are a certain way because of a certain upbringing, their surroundings, their previous hurts, and all that’s happened along the way. Our role is to help them. We, as a church, welcome everyone here in hopes they get introduced to the ONE, Jesus Christ, who can take care of all the baggage they’re carrying, all the hurt and pain they’ve been through and all the mistakes and sins they’ve made along the way. 

I see a bright future for the church. I’ve seen all it has done for so many. In fact, there really is nothing like a church family. So how about you?

  •  Are you coming with an open mind and heart?

  • Are you coming each week? If not, what is the reason and is it something you’re ok with. (I get it, some of you work on Sundays, some kids sports ‘promised’ no Sundays, etc) 

  • Are you getting to know different people at church or are you a bit guilty of staying in your comfort crowd? 

  • Showing an abnormal amount grace?

Rich Pancoast
Flip Flops

Sunday I shared a message about the importance of serving called, Flip Flops.  My desire was to convey that we as followers of Jesus were saved to serve.  That in order to live and love like Jesus, we need to engage in serving. 

I’m so thrilled at the response of so many at Fellowship who decided to take a step in service!  I know that your lives will be different because you did.

One of the the mindsets we battle most when it comes to stepping into service is our own feeling of inadequacy.  Can I really make a difference?  After all, we deeply know our weaknesses and shortcomings better than anyone.  We can see others who appear more talented and outgoing stepping up, but maybe not ourselves.  

What if God wants to shape your significance through your service? I want to encourage you to trust God to step into service here at Fellowship.  God knows and understands your potential more than you do.  He loves you and believes in you and has placed you in this local church for a reason.  

So if you don’t trust yourself, trust God and see where He can take you. How He wants to write your story, and uncover gifts and talents you never knew you had.  

You can do this!  Check out the opportunities we have HERE and join the team today! We also have many opportunities to serve at our LAST BLAST. You can click HERE to sign up that. 



Andy Eiss
The Journey is Not About You

Every single one of us are on a journey. Some are on the 'fast-track' while others are 'pacing themselves'. 

What I’ve learned along the way is that I really am the ‘pace car’. I control the speed of my own journey, not anyone else. In my effort to grow closer to God throughout the years I’ve seen my pace change too often

But here’s what I learned along the way that changed me:

  • What I put in I get out (reap what you sow) If I want to grow closer with God, I need to spend time with Him. In any relationship (marriage, friendship, dating), in order to get closer, you have to spend time with them. James 4:8 says, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” Spending time with God comes in different forms. We pray to Him. We read His Word (the Bible). We spend time with other believers either on Sundays at church or a small group or coffee with a friend. Whatever it is that you do, it’s all important. 


  • Church can only do so much– If our connection to God is only on Sundays, we may be in trouble. When we put that type of pressure on a church or a pastor to be the only “God” we’re getting weekly, we will fail miserably. The staff of the church hope that we are inspiring you to follow Him on your own as well. We are praying that you are scheduling your time with Him daily. Don’t just ‘fit Him in” when you can. I've never just found extra time at the end of the day. Put your daily time with God on your calendar. If you need to, set an alarm to go off to remind you. Get an accountability partner to push you to read scripture with them. Do a plan on with a friend. Pray each night with your spouse or family. Make Him part of your routine. 


  • Get involved– God has created you to be a doerJames 2:17 says, “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. He has created in you a divine potential. Too many of us are a bit too comfortable. But being uncomfortable leads to growth. Every time I have to lead a group, speak on a Sunday, meet with someone I don’t know that well, or learn some new system, I’m completely uncomfortable. But when it’s over, I’m different. God teaches you most in these uncomfortable moments. 

How’s your journey going? Are you moving up and to the right, or are you ‘flat lining’? What will it take for you to truly get closer to God?

It'll take you. It starts with YOU. As we’ve said so often here at FC, you are ridiculously more in control of your life than you think. Today, decide to allow God to shape your journey by spending time with Him.



Rich Pancoast
Changing Priorities


Most people realize addiction comes in many forms such as overindulgence in alcohol or drugs, gambling, or porn. However, addiction can also come from activities that start out as a hobby. Things that at first are something to take your mind off the busyness of this world. A routine pastime that builds and consumes not just your time but your thoughts. Some examples are an obsession with your job, sports, binge watching, or social media. Chances are you may have had an addiction and did not even notice it unless stated by a loved one or close friend. Past and present relationships can be damaged by taking the "me" time to satisfy our addictions.  

There are many different help groups for many different addictions but as children of Christ we know our strength is not just our own. We need to put God first right in front of our steps and walk the straight path. We need to find scripture powerful to our current state so that we can "be still" (Psalm 46:10), know that "the Lord is my strength" (Exodus 15:12), and understand "anything is possible if a person believes" (Mark 9:23). 

Anyone who has seen me around the church in a t-shirt will notice me by my pjs, what i refer to as my pre-Jesus tattoos. I have gone through many addictions to fill holes in my life mentally and spiritually. They have never worked and I have driven away many relationships to continue those actions. Recently I gave up and put my life into God and from that feel like I am for the first time starting to succeed. I am not motivated to get worldly tasks done in such a manner that I forget about others and now delight in spending time in discussions with chance encounters I was never open to before. I am at peace and accomplish so much more while taking the focus off myself. Instead I try to spread joy to those in my life.

My priority each day is moving closer to the word through reading scriptures. I wake each morning with a prayer of thanksgiving and to focus my mind and heart in the direction Jesus would go. I get ready and take a morning walk while only using my phone to read devotionals and scripture from a bible app. I use Youversion and welcome anyone to create an account, become friends, and create a plan to share in the discussion. My radio is set to K-LOVE and at work I stream pastor podcasts. I try to devote time to reading published works that will bring me closer to knowing more about God each day. I am much more into serving others and helping in ways that I am capable. 

My prayer through this short blog is that the Holy Spirit will stir inside you pushing you to follow the Word more closely. I pray you break the addictions that are consuming your life. I pray for you all because I love you all but Jesus loves you even more. Please if you know anyone who is struggling reach out to them lovingly as a true friend. "a triple-braided cord is not easily broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Find your strength in Christ and he will be that third sturdy braid. Thank you for taking a few moments to read these words.

Fellowship Church
Life Lessons

I had a tough month recently. I was super busy, anxious and a bit stressed. Many people close to me were dealing with health issues including my wife who was in the process of donating her kidney. I only see that now in retrospect. Thinking back on it now, I think I could have handled the month a bit better.  The super busy months that make us anxious, are always inevitable. It will help to be better prepared for them. 


Being in ministry is like nothing I ever imagined. The highs and lows can be daily. In one moment, a good friend of yours in getting married while in another, someone is diagnosed with cancer. People get new jobs, while others are losing their job. A child gets accepted to a great college, while another child drops out of school. Someone starts attending church every week, someone disappears. The highs and lows, they are never ending. 


Over the years in ministry, and thinking back on this month of craziness that I just had, I have learned some valuable lessons.  Here two things that can help you handle the ups and downs that come your way:

    Late in the month that I was stressed, I happened to be meeting with a couple of great guys during the week and I learned something very valuable. I NEEDED THEM. These meet ups weren't strategically planned but God worked it out. I needed the encouragement, love and genuine friendship they were showing me in that moment. It changed my perspective as I left each one of them. I felt better and better. Meeting with these friends during this crazy week taught me how much I need refreshment. That's what I received from them. 
    If you're like me, the negative can sometimes drown out the positive. The unanswered prayers can be more memorable than the answered ones. The cynicism can defeat the optimism. What I've learned from this personality trait of mine was perspective. As I really look at all that is going on, I learned to hold more tightly to the incredible amount of blessings, answered prayers and WINS in my life. Each week I get to be a part of life change in other's lives. I get to witness people accepting Jesus Christ into their lives and being forever different. I see a crowd of people making an effort each Sunday to 'do better'. I see 'up and to the right' in action each week. I see people coming into the church and leaving better. That's something to hold on to. That's something to celebrate! That's something to never forget. 

So I ask you 2 questions: 

  1. Do you have people around you that encourage and inspire you? Are there people who you meet with and you leave different? Better mood, better demeanor and better altogether? 
  2. Do you see all that is good in this world, or are you holding on to all of the bad? Is your cup full or are you wondering if there even is a cup? Are you seeing all God has done or are you wondering if He is actually paying attention? Is your life full of prayer requests or praises? (I'm breathing this morning...praise God!)

Our life has everything to do with who we are hanging out with and our perspective. Grab hold of some really good friends who, when you meet with them, you always leave better. Grab hold of a perspective of gratitude. Praise God for the easily overlooked things like living in America, good health, and your family and even the small things like "Thank you Lord that I woke up this morning." 

Rich Pancoast
Next Generation Focused

“Why is it important for the Church to invest in youth?”

A question like this is generally an easy one for anyone to answer and most people typically agree with it. However, I hear it posed and I immediately begin bracing for the inevitable response, “Youth are the future of the church.” Often, my internal reaction is an eye-roll and sigh. It’s not that this answer is wrong. It’s just that being the future of the church is only one small part of the answer to this question. My response is that “The youth are the NOW of the church.” 

This is why Youth Ministries exists. This is why Fellowship has Momentum on Sundays for middle school and has a youth group called Living Proof on Wednesdays for both middle and high school students. We value and understand the importance of teenagers encountering  Jesus at their level. 

As both a Youth Pastor and human being that was once a teenager, (not that long ago), I advocate for attending a youth group. Yeah, student ministry has its flaws, believe me; I can give you a list. But, student ministry provides so many positives for a teenager’s life, faith, and future. The thing is…in today’s culture both parents/students view a youth group as an elective. This means that if homework, sports, being tired, practice, fill in the blank, don’t conflict then both students and their parents might consider attending a youth-group. Don’t get me wrong, most parents want their teenager to be in a community with peers who believe what they believe where they learn Godly values, have fun, and build relationships. But when the teenager may have no interest or is “too busy”… it’s left at that. 

Also, not every student who doesn’t attend ‘youth group’ at their church is neglecting spiritual growth or involvement. I would say that what ultimately determines the spiritual growth and outcome for most teens is the spiritual health and pattern of the family, not their participation in youth group. If faith, following Jesus, and being in community is a priority for you, there is a high chance it will be for your teenager, if not now then in the future. What I will argue for is being engaged in a student ministry provides more opportunities for a teenagers friends to come to know Jesus. Using a student ministry as a strategy to reach the lost is just one reason teenagers need it. Let me share with you a few other reasons why student ministry is important:

Teenagers need community.

We cannot underestimate the influence of our friends. You are the sum of your five closest friends - how they act, talk, and believe. To be honest, my friends were one of reasons I kept my faith as a teenager. I had so many friends that I met at church and my youth group who made such a positive impact on my faith. In return, it enabled me to have a positive impact on them, and my friends who didn’t know Jesus came to know him . It was in my youth group where I learned how to serve, how to lead, and how to make my faith my own. And it was that much easier and more effective because I had the support of my friends around me.

Teenagers need a safe place to be vulnerable.

Few places like that exist in this world. If you take a look around, there aren’t too many places where a young person can safely test their independence, be trusted with legitimate leadership roles, and follow good mentors. At church a teenager can truly be themselves. At church a teenager can make mistakes in an environment designed to help them get up and try again.

Teenagers need a greater purpose.

Teenagers long to be part of something bigger than them. Sports, bands, and clubs have capitalized on this longing for decades. Teenagers have a greater passion and imagination than any other age group. After all, most of Jesus disciples began following Jesus as teenagers, and they ended up changing the world. Showing a teenager what following Jesus looks like taps into something deep within their souls and being in a student ministry creates opportunities for them to serve their peers. A student ministry invests in youth because its aim is to create leaders that are well-rounded, experienced, trustworthy, and unique.

These are just a few reasons and I could go on. The bottomline is that as Fellowship’s Student Pastor I want to do anything I can to help the faith journey of a teenager. Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, aunt/uncle, young adult, single, or married, my challenge to you is to encourage teenagers to get involved in the church. The question is not so much, “Why is it important for the Church to invest in youth,” but “Why is it important for our youth to invest in the Church.” If you have any questions about our Student Ministries or if you’re interested in serving in Living Proof or Momentum, feel free to contact me! 


Ross Verhault