I have been pretty excited lately in seeing all that God has been doing inside of our church. A month ago we challenged FCer’s to read the Bible in one year. 172 people took on the challenge! This will change every one of their lives forever. It has certainly changed mine. Scheduling time with God each day is a ‘game changer’. What you’re scheduling each day in your life communicates to others what’s most important. Exercise, hobbies, Netflix binge watching, video games, prayer, reading the Bible or a devotional, getting together with other believers in a group? No matter what it is, it tells others a lot about you.
As of late, I have had this thirst to be extremely authentic in my faith….the real deal. I’m not there yet, but I’m trying! As I claim to be a Christian, I want to live it out. The ‘proof is in the pudding’…..what does that even mean?!? Just thought it fit there.
If I want to be all that Jesus has for me, I better spend time with Him. The same can be said if I want to be an astronaut, I’d probably want to be spending time at NASA. To be what we wish to be takes being in the right places. My faith has grown immensely by being in church on Sundays, having quiet time daily with God and even attending groups throughout the week. Being with other like-minded people who are trying to grow in their faith as well has really helped my journey. It also has given me a bunch of close friends who I can go to for encouragement.
Our FC Groups are starting next week. These are usually an hour long and meet once a week for 10 weeks. These groups really change the week! Check them out here. Many of us leave Sundays at church and enter toxic environments at work. It’s great to get another serving of sanity and love on a weekday. I highly recommend these groups. The leaders are incredible people that love Jesus and love people. They also love the church and understand the importance of making disciples.
It’s your decision. It’s been said that we are ridiculously in control of so much more than we think. We can decide today to be a ‘game changer’, a ‘difference maker’ and most importantly, a true Jesus follower. It’s your move.