Verse by Verse - Coed Group
6:30AM via Zoom
Patrick Ringrose
Join others early Thursday mornings to go through a book of the Bible in a more thorough and thought provoking way. We are currently in Philippians.
A great way to start your day!
Sign-up HERE
Caring for the Caregiver
Coed Group | 6PM | FC
Eric Rodko and bethe mullen
For people who are stressed caregivers of parents or of younger persons who are disabled. This is a supportive group to encourage and comfort active and past family caregivers who may be feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed and/or be in the grieving process. Come and join as we share information, experiences and prayer.
Sign-up HERE
Mastering Motherhood
STARTS THURSDAY, September 12th
6:30PM | student building
For moms of all ages and stages! It's a night of fun, food and friendship. We will hear from an inspirational speaker, fellowship over food and break into amazing book groups. Childcare is provided.
Sign-up HERE