Sermon Based - Coed Group

5:00PM | Durham HOME Group

Doug and Denise Schuch

Dive a bit deeper into Sunday’s message with others.

Sign-up HERE


Following Jesus - Coed Group  

12:00 (after 2nd service) FC 

Dorothy Bair and Hector Santos

A unique interactive approach to become acquainted with Old and New Testament scripture. This group helps you better understand what it means to follow Jesus through a story-form experience. 

Sign-up HERE


Community - Coed Group

12:15PM | Student BLDG. | Bi-weekly

Rich Pancoast and Trey Brown

Sometimes we want to be alone and left to our own devices, chances are we'd do it more often BUT studies show the dangers of isolation and scripture backs up the need for others in our life. We were not meant to do life alone. Life with like-minded growing believers can change our perspective, our growth in Jesus and our social life as well! Join us bi-weekly for a discussion on practical ways of building a solid circle in your life. A circle of people who genuinely care and want the invest in you.

Sign-up HERE


Young Adult Group

12:15PM | Student BLDG. | Bi-weekly

Rich Pancoast and Trey Brown

This season of life is busy! So much transition. Finding your person, finding your career, finding your 'tribe', and growing in your faith. Join us for real discussions on life in this season. Get to know others who are dealing with many of the same things you are. 

Sign-up HERE