Easter Prayer Experience: Day 6


-Pastor Andy Eiss

Next week the long-awaited superhero movie, “Avengers Endgame” will be out in theaters.  Those who are fans are counting down the days — their long wait is over!

There is something about anticipating big events…

I think God has created each of us with a sense of excitement toward big events.  We love countdowns and long-awaited reveals. In just a matter of a few months, we’ll be wrapping up our full campus expansion and renovation - the NEXT Project. We’ve been at this a long while.  This project actually began three years ago behind the scenes with a lot of prayer, faith and love. 

Many of you have been involved in praying faithfully and giving generously. I want to thank you and let you know that it is all worth it! I believe our best days are still ahead of us. That from this spiritual journey we’ve taken together, we’ll launch into a new day. I’m asking you to pray with me that Easter will be the beginning of a year filled with miracles and changed lives.   

We’re doing all this because we want to attract and engage unchurched people…

  1. We recognize that the gravitational pull for churches tends to be toward insiders. We are committed to focusing on people we are trying to reach (outsiders).  We believe church should be the safest place on earth for people to ask questions and talk about anything.

  2. We think Jesus was irresistible and, therefore, his Church should be as well. So, we are committed to creating irresistible environments that serve as steps to community.

  3. Each week, we strive to create relevant weekend services that make people want to come back and take next steps. To us, relevance is an engaging presentation with helpful content given in an appealing context.

  4. We believe life change happens best in the context of intentional relationships, and small groups provide a healthy on­ramp for intentional relationships to form. That’s why we believe circles are better than rows. 

  5. We want this generation of young people to be the next generation of church leaders, so we continue to invest heavily in them.

  6. We believe that the church, as the body of Christ, carries the message of hope to the world.

| Will you join me in praying for our future?!  |

Fellowship Church