I'm Not Liking This New Normal

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How do you really explain to your kids all that’s happening in this world today? 

Their ‘normal’ seems absolutely crazy. 

Normal to this generation is hate, violence, constant bickering between people, a know-it-all mentality and of course, a virus that shuts down everything. 

My heart is broken daily. I need only to see the news or social media to go down this dark path. I’m bringing it on myself. 

It’s like God when He put Adam and Eve on the earth….what could possibly go wrong? Well, Adam and Eve, much like all of us in some capacity thought about themselves first.  Yes, there’s an enemy as well. Satan loves political rants, racism, hurtful comments, and really loves when we go on Social Media and the news before even considering praying or reading God’s Word. 

The only answer I have for my kids is LOVE. We can only do what we can do. Clearly, we cannot control what others do but we,…..we can LOVE. 

We can love others as Christ loves us (John 15:12).

In those moments we want to spew, LOVE.

In those moments we become angry at someone in our life, LOVE.

When everything is falling apart around us, LOVE. 

Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13

Love is color blind. We are ALL created in His image. (Genesis 1:27)

You’ll never regret loving people if you’re doing it right

Love has no agenda. (1 Corinthians 13:5)

It is never self-seeking (1 Corinthians 13:1) ,

it is not conditional (Ephesians 1:6) Can you imagine if God loved us only under certain conditions? 

Love is the answer even when we don’t know the question. 

Today, I choose to love. I know I won’t regret it. 

Rich Pancoast