The Importance of Reading

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GUEST BLOGGER: Pastor Stephen Eiss

I just finished reading the Bible in 54 days. l read and also let the phone read the Bible to me especially in the Old Testament.

Lessons: The first thing that comes to mind is we don't read the Bible enough, especially all of it. I personally chose the year plan. I loved it because I was reading both Old and New Testament readings each day. I got to do so because I was fully retired and I was also made to stay home due to Covid-19. l completed it in less than two months! When you read it rather quickly it reminds you of the things you know but so easily forgot. While we know the Old Testament was written and given to the Jews, the New Testament was written and given to the Christians. After reading both, l am so glad to be living in the Church age. Grace is a wonderful thing. The biggest lesson I learned from the Old Testament is that the thing that upset God continually was Israel kept worshipping Idols. They were always influenced by the people outside their faith.

What is an idol?

An idol is anything that takes our worship away from God.

The bottom line was all the trouble Israel faced was a result of following outsiders rather than God. The thing that I was reminded of was when God's people followed God, things went well. When they took their focus off God (which they did often), things went bad. I would say to myself ‘why didn't they learn’? Then I was reminded that we have the ability to do the very same thing. 

The New Testament tells us that the Old Testament is our school master. It was given to us in hopes that we could learn from their mistakes.

So are we learning from their mistakes?

How is the world drawing you away from God?

When is the last time you felt a need to read or even have the Bible read to you?

What is it that draws your focus to follow people outside the church rather than God?

Rich Pancoast