Go With What You Know
GUEST BLOGGER - Patrick Ringrose
About a week ago, while meditating after my morning Bible devotions, the Holy Spirit put something in my heart - “Go with what you know.” So, I asked myself what I absolutely know to be true about God.
First, that He is real.
Second, that everything does turn out alright.
These are things I know at the level of my soul, and I never waiver on. But sometimes I do get shaky in my faith, because faith applies to me; whereas what I know applies to God.
From my perspective, I believe God has got me, but sometimes I still get scared.
I believe He loves me, but sometimes can’t feel a thing.
I believe that His kingdom will come on earth, but then look at the state of the world and sometimes I doubt. (Or that it may come to pass in the very distant future, but that I’ll never live to see it.)
Then I noticed something I wanted to share because it helps me tremendously in these unsettled times. When I’m thinking through the filter of faith - what I think, feel and believe, there is a far greater presence of the world’s fear and uncertainty. However, when I ‘flip the switch’ to what I know - that God is real, I am instantly calm, centered and peaceful.
What my gut knows is God-centered; my beliefs are me-centered. I think of Peter stepping out of the boat - as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus he was fine. When he looked down at his own feet on the waves, he sank.
Try toggling your own internal switch (practicing really helps!).
When you feel worldly overwhelm, ask yourself this one question, “Is God real?” and see how that affects your peace of mind and soul. It works for me.