Controlling Christmas

Too often the mention of Christmas comes with a sigh. To some, Christmas is an exhaustive attempt to make everyone happy (except yourself). Rushing family to family, preparing extravagant meals, overeating, overspending, sometimes overdrinking, small talk, traditions we may not even like and then in a blink of an eye, it’s over. 

For those of you reading that would call yourself a Christian, this all can be frustrating as all of this rushing around leaves little room for celebration of the reason we’re even celebrating, Jesus! It hit me over 20 years ago as I found myself trapped in this whirlwind of a holiday and saw how rare Jesus was even mentioned.  I found myself most joyful in the short hour I spent at my church celebrating Jesus, singing about Him and hearing a message all about Him along with spending time with other believers who I felt loved by. It was my first experience at FC in which Christmas changed forever. It was because of this focused time that I was no longer going to ignore the reason I’m celebrating. I was going to now be strategic and intentional. Jesus was not going to be unintentionally pushed aside anymore, especially on the day we celebrate His birth! 

So in my continued effort to do so and for some of you that feel this struggle, I give you some advice from several groups I attend and the wonderful people in them:

  • Pray before gift opening. Sounds so simple! We never did it. We never thought of it! Shame on us, I guess? A simple prayer of thanks that we have gifts to open and the clarity of Jesus as our true gift and the salvation that comes with knowing Him

  • Read The Christmas Story (Luke 1 or Matthew 1) It’s still such a remarkable story. Humble beginnings, uncertainty, trust, and what a gift to all of us!

  • The Jesus Box – based on a story my family and I heard, we write down things each family member did throughout the year that was much like Jesus. Ex. Giving to the homeless, opening the door for someone, donating a kidney (my wife changed the game that year!) Put these notes in a box and it’s the last gift you open!

  • Birthday Cake for Jesus – the simplicity of actually celebrating and maybe even singing happy birthday to Him puts Him first. 

  • YouVersion Christmas Plans – a free app with plenty of great plans leading up to Christmas. 3 day plans, 5 day plans, and some even longer. What a way to get into the Christmas spirit! 

  • Time Alone with God – schedule it, find a location that is uninterrupted and peaceful. Be still. Rest in Him. Trust Him. He is at work. Pray real words, be authentic. Let Him know your struggles and trust that He hears you and will do what only He does!

  • Attend church - yes, I’d love for you to come to Fellowship this Friday at 3:30 or 5:00 but just attend a church that talks about Jesus and worships Him. You’ll definitely leave better!

I truly hope each one of you has a very special memorable Christmas!

Rich Pancoast

GUEST BLOGGER: Shirley Andersen

If there is one thing I’m known for, it’s crying. When one of my kids or grandkids scraped their knee, didn’t make the sports team, or were hurt by a friend’s harsh words...I cried. The first time my sixteen year old daughter pulled out of the driveway with her new license, when a boy broke her heart, and as she strolled across the stage in her graduation gown...I cry. I remember how I felt when it came time to move her into her dorm room, I feared my tears might be uncontrollable. Although I was proud she was going to college, and as my part as her parent I was to teach her to be a responsible adult and spread her wings, the thought of her leaving seemed unbearable. The idea of not seeing her sweet face and smile every day, coupled with concern over her well-being, made my heart heavy.

I was so extremely proud this past May when my son walked across the stage and received his college diploma. We were even more excited because it took him 25 years! Imagine the bottles and bottles of tears that flowed. I felt tears of happiness, gratitude, excitement, as well as sadness, anxiety, and motherly worry with every life decision either my children or grandchildren made.

When my grandson was planning for his wedding in 2020, you guessed it, I cried.

Knowing how I am, I knew there was so many tears that God may not have a bottle big enough to catch my tears. I often wondered if these situations were enough to be crying over or was I being too emotional. In that moment of mixed emotions, I desperately needed God’s comfort and reassurance, and I found it in Psalm 56:8. God reminds us He is intimately concerned with every aspect of our lives. God doesn’t judge whether our sorrow is “valid”. But because of His compassion, He catches every tear that is shed. It doesn’t matter how big or small, trivial or important, the sorrow might be. In this Psalm, David expressed grief over his situation, which was truly dangerous. Saul wanted his own son to be king of Israel and was hunting David in order to murder him. This forced David to constantly be on the move as he tried to escape. David was grieved, fearful and unsure about the future. Apparently tears flowed as he poured out his feelings to God. “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book” Psalm 56:8.

David drew comfort in knowing that no matter what he was going through, God had great compassion on him and gathered all his precious tears in a bottle. David trusted God with his Life and his future. He wasn’t embarrassed about his tears, and we need not be either, even when we wish we could hold them back.

Life Challenges us. Children grow. Seasons of our life change into normal status quo. When this happens, tears often spring up and efforts to contain them fall short. Dropping your child off at kindergarten, college, or watching them walk down the aisle to their new life can evoke a variety of anxieties and emotions. Remember God has compassion on us and our children. He is present with every tear shed, and we can count on Him to collect them. No matter what sorrow we face today, we can have confidence God cares.

As I’m rereading this it sounds different; some sad and some happy. Believe me these memories are happy. I am certainly known for crying. Yes, if there is anything sensitive happening chances are I’ll be shedding a tear or two or a million or two. It’s time something happy and good happened in our family. The last 12 years have been very difficult. Everyone’s life changed drastically when the most important person in our lives passed away; grandfather, father in law, father and husband. Still these memories were shared with those we love more than anyone, and they are all good. Not all is SAD but HAPPY!!!!!!!!!

My grandson, Corey married Rachael on Valentines Day 2 years ago and now in March 2022, I will be a Great Grandmother!

As I said, seasons change, people change, I just turned 70 years of age, or as I’ve been saying 70 years “OLD”. I have slowed down, moved to Connecticut so my daughter can help me with things I’m not as proficient at things as I used to be, like breathing and walking. Isn’t it sorta funny, things that have been such a part of your life since you were born, now you struggle with. But, then again that is the season’s of life. I know I’m a lot closer to the end of my life than the beginning. Andy used to say “I’m ready to go to heaven, but I’d just as soon take the next bus.” Me too.

However, I can only imagine what heaven will be like when I see Jesus face to face and thank Him for my salvation in person. I’ll thank God for the best family and the most wonderful friends at Fellowship Church that I’ve ever had anywhere.

My next beginning will be different for me, as there are...NO TEARS IN HEAVEN.

Dear Lord, thank you for loving my children and grandchildren even more than I do and for having compassion on them and me. Help me feel Your comfort and reassurance when I face new seasons of life and emotional challenges as a mother. Please tuck my babies under Your wing, guide them in their decisions and keep them safe. Thank you for loving us so much that you sent your Son to the cross for us. How could we not love you in return and try our best to serve you the way you deserve? Thank you for daily leading me, providing for me, helping me be the woman you want me to be. God thank you for caring so much for me as to collect my tears in a bottle.


Fellowship Church
Our Spiritual Home
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Hello, It’s that Texas Lady again. In the course of moving up here from Texas I had to go through my whole house and keep only what was necessary. I wrote out each room and what I would keep from them. As I looked at my list I thought: this has been our home, mine and my late husband’s for awhile. I started thinking about all the good times and sad times, all the times Andy and I were on our knees praying for church members for what seemed hours, The wonderful times of fellowship with church parties, and the joyous Christmas’s with our family. So I also thought maybe there could be something learned about our home that because of our open door policy of any one welcome at any time meant, our home was part of our service to the Lord. So I thought room by room what could I learn ?  This is my list and what I want to take with me to Connecticut:

 Living Room:   Psalm 5:1-3 “Give ear to my words, O Jehovah, Consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God; For unto thee do I pray. O Jehovah, in the morning shalt thou hear my voice; In the morning will I order my prayer unto thee, and will keep watch.

Spend time with Jesus every morning. Jesus wants to spend time with us so everyday get in your comfortable chair in the living room with the Word and read, then meet God in prayer, letting the Holy Spirit speak to you.

Dining Room: John 6:51 “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

Spiritual food is needed to do the will of Him that sent you. His pleasure before ours. Stop striving for your own desires, ambition and get satisfaction in seeking to please Him. Everything else leaves you hungry.

Study: 2 Timothy: 2:15  “Study to show thyself approved unto God,  a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,  rightly dividing the word of truth.” 

The Bible is the word of God!  Study it – Meditate on it and keep it clearly before you.

WorkroomActs 20:35  “I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

What are you producing or creating for the Kingdom of God with your life ? It’s not your ability but your availability. Be sensitive and responsive to what He calls us to do. Trust He knows how to use you. 

Rec. Room or RecreationJohn 15:11  “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” 

Can you take Jesus everywhere with you, especially when you are out for a night of fun ?  We all  need those times, but can you feel good as a Christian if it’s not someplace you know Jesus would approve of.  Then don’t go !  

Bedroom: Matthew 19:6  “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

Husbands remember a wife is a gift from God and women remember you are your husband’s helpmate, not boss. As a quilt is perfectly sewed together where each piece fits perfectly, husbands and wife’s should fit together perfectly. They should have respect for each other,  and lift up each other in prayer. Perfect and fit together for ever warm on a cold night and refreshed on a warm day.               Also- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Closet: Philippians 4:7   “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

We need to give God the key to our heart as to every room even what you may not want to. No matter what sin or pain or hang up you have in your past, Jesus is ready to forgive, heal, and give you a new outlook. 

Now we can  Transfer the Title in our new residence.  2 Kings 20:1  “…. Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.”

Let Jesus manage the whole house. May Christ settle in your home and be completely comfortable as he is in your heart. May your marriage be strong, loving and never end. May God be pleased in your life together serving God with your whole heart and the same with your children. Kids need to be raised with instruction from God and carried out by 2 loving parents.

Joshua 24:15

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Fellowship Church
Can You Hear Me Now?


Genesis 22:2-11
Sometimes I think it would be great to have lived back in days when God spoke to people like Abraham to give him instructions on what He wanted him to do. Clear instruction from God so many times would be beneficial to cut off some of the needless spinning our wheels on a day-to-day basis. To know what God was going to tell you and what you were going to do that day would be wonderful.

Well, thankfully, He does.

Some people have a one-way conversation with God because they don't think God could talk to them. I don't think that's true. I think God has spoken to me several times, maybe not in a verbal voice but He has impressed upon me during Bible study and prayer. We should talk to God every day and allow Him to work in us so we try to live a better life instead of going through the motions and making wrong decisions. If we had a GPS in our body, God could tell us what path to take.

Don't be so busy about God things, church things, family things, friend things, that you can't hear God speak to you. BE STILL AND LISTEN TO GOD. He doesn't give too many facts because we wouldn't be able to live by faith. God uses our destination and our journey to teach us lessons along the way.

God tells Abraham to "take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering, upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of." Abraham didn't know the answers to the questions, but God did, even before creation. God will tell you 'while' you walk. JUST WALK WITH GOD. Keep walking until God tells you to turn. God speaks when it's important, not always when it's needed.

Listen to God's voice, not your family, friends, church, or the world. God directed Abraham where they were supposed to go to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham knew where God was leading when he saw the place. God wants to speak to us in our spirit. Crisis is just a test to learn how to trust Him. Abraham left some of his people down at the bottom of the mountain and didn't take them up with him. Some people you can't take with you, meaning you have to break fellowship with them so you stay straight and not get into more trouble. Dedication sometimes requires separation. The closer to your destiny, the more you are alone. Some people would be a hindrance for you.

"And the angel of the Lord called under him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham and he said, HERE AM I."
Be in a place spiritually where you can hear God now because Abraham would have slain Isaac if he couldn't hear God say wait. God didn't want Abraham's son, but he did want Abraham to listen to his voice. God provided a ram as Abraham was going up one side of the mountain. The ram or what God was providing for the sacrifice was going up the other side of the mountain. God provides a ram or in Jesus’ case, a lamb. A sacrificial lamb that would take the sins of the world on himself. Everything God calls you to do, He will provide what you need to accomplish HIS WILL for you.


Make sure it's God's direction and not just what you want. If we let God order our steps, it would be like Google. Google knows what we need before we can type the whole word. God knows what He has ordered our steps for, and if we walk in SUBMISSION as both Abraham and Isaac did, then we are in His will. If we believe in the sovereignty of God that He knows what is best for us, but we don't want to be in submission, then we are fake Christians. He will not take the step for us but He will lead us to take each step. I have confidence in knowing that I shall not be cast down even if I fall. All our steps are ordered by God and we should follow them and not just the ones we want to. God gives you grace to take our next step my faith knowing God has ordered them. It's a wonderful circle; THE MORE WE ASK GOD TO LEAD US, THEN WE FOLLOW, HE GIVES US MORE AND MORE GOOD THINGS BECAUSE WE OBEY.


Rich Pancoast
Right and Wrong
Right Wrong Blog.JPG

GUEST BLOGGER: Shirley Andersen

From birth to death, life is a learning process.  

No one is born with clear and precise knowledge of every little detail of their life. I think most of my life has been way more trial and error than, without a doubt, knowing what is the right decision for my life at this very moment, much less right decisions long term.

My mother used to say I’d argue with a fence post so I’m pretty sure I made wrong decisions. I’m hoping I’m not the only person down through history that hasn’t always been right. Wouldn’t it be nice that the majority of the time we were right, that we made wise decisions? Wouldn’t I be brilliant if I knew the answer to that? If there were only a formula to always know the right way to do things.

Yep,  as a child I was pretty stubborn,  but there are just so many times you make the same wrong choice that you start to get a little smarter and what happens when I’m an adult with kids of my own and I’m responsible for their life by teaching and training them what is right and wrong. I realize I have to make smart and right decisions for my kids. I did learn several things as a child. Things like “don’t cross your eyes as they may stay that way”, “Don’t try to stop or hold a sneeze in because you can blow the back of your head off.”

Yep, these are silly, but I really started listening to what I was being told as a teenager when I started going to church. I was 14 and in a great church. I had only attended church as a kid very haphazardly. You know, if the weather was nice we went to the lake, but if it was raining we went to church.

At this little church here in town were some of the best Christians this young impressionable kid had ever met. Really good Sunday school teacher, the Pastor’s wife. 

When she started teaching, I learned so much. Who would ever have dreamed that in the book of Ruth, Boaz, commanded that “Handsfull of purpose” was left for Ruth, which was just a little extra grain that she could take home and feed herself and mother-in-law? I thought that was so good!  “Handsfull of Purpose” what else was in this book?  She taught me so many different treasures. 

Then one day she said, you can read the Bible yourself. Most of my life I thought we couldn’t, I wasn’t Catholic so I thought, if God strikes me down, think what the Pastor’s wife would have to explain.

Here I am, 14 years old freshman at Rider and I start reading the Bible.  

She tells me to start reading in John!!!  Amazing, John Wayne wrote in the Bible, I’d been told it was God. John Wayne was sorta God to anyone who saw his movies.  

Yep, I found out quick it wasn’t John Wayne.

I really liked it and started reading it a lot. I started asking so many questions that the Pastor’s wife told me to write my questions down and give them to her. She took them home and answered every question. Then they started having me to dinner one night so I could ask questions and they could help guide me.  The Pastor started helping a young Airman on a different night until they decided to have us meet on the same night. Yep, I was thrilled because I had already claimed him as mine; he just didn’t know it yet.  Yep, it was Andy, my future husband. We started memorizing scripture together. 

Our first was II Chronicles 7:14.

 At this point I was not saved but was a little apprehensive. Then Missionary Jack Baskins came and on Sunday morning on Father’s Day I was 16 and I got saved that morning. That was definitely the right decision. I had started reading the Bible and praying.

I learned when I read the Bible daily that I could make decisions that were right because I knew that God was leading me. I haven’t always made the right decision but I’m much better at it when I read and pray listening to God through the Holy Spirit. Instead of making the wrong decision, I get in the Bible and Read and Study then pray.

When we started discipleship it just reinforced what I was taught years ago and had tried to live by over the years. 

Yep, there were many times I did make the wrong decision but reading and praying really is the right decision. 

Pray for guidance, Read, Study, and pray

Yep, that’s the right decision!!!

Rich Pancoast
If My People.....
GUEST BLOGGER: Shirley Andersen

GUEST BLOGGER: Shirley Andersen

     “ If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

I love this scripture because it’s plain. God says If you,  Then,  I will.   

There are many people that say I don’t understand the Bible when they read it. Plain and simply the Bible says the unlearned and ignorant man perceives not the words of God.  Acts 4:13.  The unsaved don’t understand the Bible like those that are saved and want to learn about God’s Word, daily seeking and praying and wanting to learn the Bible. The use of commentaries and Bible Dictionary or Concordance can help understand difficult passages. But this one is extremely plain and tells you just what to do. We ask through prayer, God answers our prayer when they:

1. Humble themselves

2.  Pray

3.  Seek God’s face

4.  Turn from their wicked ways


5.  God will hear from heaven will forgive their sin

6.  heal their land

There is something naturally humble in true prayer because it recognizes that the answers are not in ourself but they are in God. The phrase. “My people who are called by my name” was first for the people of Israel. The same God who made this promise to Israel still reigns in the heavens and will still respond to his humble praying people today.  

It says in II Chronicles 6:32-33, “all people of the earth may know your name “ and fear. You as do your people Israel. It’s clear that anyone who acknowledges God’s name and authority may pray with the confidence of God hearing. This passage is similar to others where the invitation is to all who  call upon the name of the Lord.

This promise of answered prayer also includes the condition of repentance. As the people of God humble themselves, pray, seek the face of God, they must also turn from their wicked ways. It wasn’t enough to turn their heart to God; they must also turn their life to God. God simply promises to hear the prayer of his humble prayerful seeking repentant people. He will bring forgiveness to his people and healing to their land. These expressions are best understood as four parts of one attitude, that sinners should seek God himself in humble repentance. 

  1. II Chronicles 12:6, Rehoboam and leaders of Israel humbled themselves.

  2. II Chronicles 30:18, Hezekiah prayed for the uncleared people of the North. “May God provide atonement for everyone who prepares his heart to seek God. The Lord listened to Hezekiah and healed the people.

  3. II Chronicles 11:16, The Levite’s left their common land and came to Jerusalem because Jeroboam would let them serve as priests. So after the Levites left those that wanted to seek the Lord were able to.

  4. II Chronicles 30 : 6, If Israel would return to the Lord, your brethren and children will be treated with compassion by those who lead them captive, so that they may turn from their wicked ways, for the Lord God is gracious and merciful and will not turn his face from you.

God answered their prayer as he does all prayers when he heard from heaven, forgave their sin and healed their land. God wants the right actions from us and there are many guidelines throughout God’s word as to what He wants us to do and how to live.

Another reason I love this verse beside it being very clear what we are to do and how God answers. This was the first verse that Andy (my late husband ) and I memorized during the Bible Study and prayer time we ended our dates with. Times have changed and I’m sure things like praying together and reading the Bible together are foreign concepts nowadays. That’s how we started dating, putting God first. God blessed us in so many tremendous ways. In 37 years Andy always had a church to Pastor and preach in. We had 2 remarkable kids, the most talented and beautiful grandkids, and loving daughter-in-law. I’m blessed to be able to have a ministry in my church.

2 Chronicles 7:14, Simply it’s how we should live, humbly praying, seeking God’s face and turning away from our wicked ways.

Rich Pancoast
People Need People

Remember crowds? Remember going out to dinner with a group? Remember attending concerts, a sporting event, or even a packed church?

We are in a very interesting season right now as everything we once knew and became used to, is gone…for now.

Wherever you work, whatever you do for a living, chances are, it’s a bit different today.

As some of you reading this know, I work at a church. Interestingly enough and some of you already know this, the church is not the building, it’s the people (and for now in person, it’s the first 100 people that sign up for each service!) That sure sounds like an infomercial.

We are figuring out new ways to keep people connected. As we go into February, we are opening up new avenues for people to do what all of us need to do, be with people. This next semester of our FC Groups comes with 6 in person opportunities and 8 virtual options. I want to quickly share with you a few sentences on each and the wonderful leaders we have at FC.


BE THE BRIDGE - This groups leader, Mary Madonna has taken such an effort to explore the difficult topic of racism. She has continued to learn from leaders, books and group conversation. We have learned that the best way to educate ourselves is to have uncomfortable conversations. Mary has been more than willing to do so and she does it through the lens of her faith. This group meets at 8PM via ZOOM on Mondays. If you’re interested in joining, click HERE.

STRONGER - This group is led by my wife Vicki and me. I certainly won’t build up the leaders here although I’ll certainly build up the topic. We are striving to better all of our relationships - not just spouses as this is a group for anyone - but friends, co-workers, family, and everyone else you come into contact with. Jesus had a way of interacting with others and He’s the example to follow. We’d love to have you join us on Monday evenings 6:30PM via ZOOM. Click HERE to sign up!


REAL MEN, REAL PROBLEMS - Casey McLeod leads this group. Casey is so unique (in such a good way!). Casey is always real, very real. I appreciate that about him so much. It’s been said, “You can’t fix fake!” Casey will ‘keep it real’ here as the goal is to come into an environment (in person or via ZOOM) and help other men in any way we can. This will be a weekly check in with an effort to lift others up and encourage them. Join up HERE.

KILLING KRYPTONITE - This group is being led by one of my favorite people, Dennis Bishop. Dennis loves Jesus and you’ll see that in this group. This is a book and video group and will meet in person on Tuesday evenings at 6:30PM in our FC Kidz environment. All in person groups are limited spots so grab yours today! Not for the faint of heart, Killing Kryptonite is anything but a spiritual sugar high. This is a serious truth for any Christ-follower who longs to embrace the challenging but rewarding path of transformation. Sign up HERE.

FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY - Pastor Andy along with Lisa Frank and Cullen Nauck will be leading this Tuesday evening 6:45 ZOOM group. Whether you’re broke or thriving, this group is good for you. This is a life-changing money course that teaches you how to crush debt, invest in your future, and win with money like never before. You’ll learn how to take complete control of your money—and get the tools you need to make it happen. And by the way, it’s FREE! See details on our website! To sign up for this group, click HERE.


I SAID THIS, YOU HEARD THAT - The title kinda sells it right away, huh? All of us have been misunderstood and many said something they regretted. Our mouths can certainly get us into trouble. This is why I love this book study! This group will help us learn other people’s temperaments and better equip us to interact with them, even the polar opposites of you! Jeff Caiola and Matt Vogt already do this so well so they’ll be leading! This will change every relationship you have! Sign up HERE.

CHRIST’S KITCHEN - If you’ve never met John and Michele Vigneri, the leaders of this group, you’re already missing out. These two are so special. Their energy, joy and love for Christ is contagious. Join them in person for an evening of loving fellowship and biblical discussion while preparing and cooking a meal and then enjoying it together as Jesus did with His disciples. A group with food!! Spaces are limited, so sign up HERE today!

DRAW THE CIRCLE - Trouble in your prayer life? Not sure how to pray? Feel like God is not listening? This group shares 40 of those true, faith-building stories of God’s answers to prayer, along with daily scriptures and prayer prompts. You will leave this group with a far better prayer life and understanding of its importance in our lives. Ken Morrison leads this group. Ken has been exploring prayer for a while now as this is his 3rd group on it! Sign up HERE.

CHRISTIAN - The word isn’t what it used to be. "Christian" is a brand that can be good, bad, attractive, or repelling. It's a loaded label no matter whom you ask. But where did the word come from? And did it come with instructions? In this group, we will reexamine the word "Christian" and revisit the one thing Jesus wanted his followers to be known for. You will love this groups leader, Stacey Czepiel who is really one of the strongest believers I know. She’s the real deal and you’ll love spending time with her. Sign up HERE as spaces are limited in this in person group Wednesdays 6:00PM at FC.


FIRST JOHN - I love morning groups and I love this groups two leaders, Patrick Ringrose and Anthony Jenkins. Their top priority daily is to love others as Christ loves us. This book study on 1st John is all about that. Join them Thursday mornings 6:30AM via ZOOM to start your day off right! Sign up HERE.

PARENTING WITH COURAGE - Moms, this is the group for you! Kayleigh Mierzejewski is probably the most positive person I know and a great mom! In every interaction I have with her, I leave happier! She’s like that. Parenting in 2020-2021 has been so difficult! We all need some encouragement and a perspective. You’ll leave each ZOOM Thursday evening group inspired to parent better. Sign up HERE.

THE STORY OF GOD - So many questions in our faith journey. Groups allow permission to ask. Here in this group, you’ll get to explore the Old Testament and see how it leads into the New Testament. You’ll learn more about the promises of God and how you fit into them. Join this group to listen to the stories that God has inspired and take part in a lively discussion about what you have heard. God’s Story certainly is an amazing one and it’s led by an amazing leader, Laura Wilson who has grown more in these last several years than anyone I know. She has a thirst for Jesus and is a living example every day! Sign up HERE.

RECONNECT YOUNG ADULT GROUP - Our future looks bright. We have so many young adults (18-32) here that are facing things no one else ever had to. This bi-weekly group talks about the things this age group deals with and talks about God’s take on it. Each group is led by someone different with a topic of their choice. We’ve explored friendship, success, social media, racism, among many others. this is a great opportunity to get to know others in your age group and season of life. Hop in on the conversations and join HERE.

REFLECTIONS WOMEN’S GROUP - This is something new! A group that meets 3 times a week! So many of you are craving more time with God. This group contains guided journal with leading questions and Scripture verses. 3 days 45 minutes each via ZOOM. This groups leader, Chalice Wilson will put a smile on your face. Her love for Jesus is very clear. She has been leading groups here for a long time! This group starts on February 10th. Sign up HERE.

A lot of groups, A lot of opportunities to grow in your faith. If you’re like me, you cannot imagine taking on all that we’ve had to this last year without Jesus. These groups keep me level headed and grounded. They keep me aware that everything really is going to be ok. They’re reassurance, inspiration and growth all tucked into a hour. I truly hope you get involved!

Rich Pancoast
Powering Through

There are moments in our lives that seem so surreal that its difficult to get a footing, sometimes it seems that the situation has us. Or does it? The past few weeks have been difficult for so many, especially when you factor in the trials that many of us have already been dealing with.

Last month I took a trip to New York, where I stood at my mom’s grave looking for a connection. I have lost people before, but not like this. Ever since she passed, I feel like I lost my connection to this world. But I power through, put that smile on and take a step forward until another wave hits and it’s more difficult to smile.

And the next one hit, my daughter Bella who has cerebral palsy was finally walking independently and then a big  growth spurt hit. Now standing has now become difficult for her. But once again I put that smile on and march forward. Then, this pandemic hits. We are seeing so many people become ill as well as an economic melt down. Everything is in flux. My employer, a governmental agency of 900 was moved to telework. This has never been done before. I should be thankful I have a job, but I am overwhelmed trying to make sure that the employees that report to me have the ability to work from home. 

All of these layers add up and my heart aches….. my faith is tested…….

Where are you God? 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Funny, the path seems far from straight when I look ahead. But when I look over my shoulder, what appeared to be a mess was really a straight path. So I kind of get it, but for some reason my heart still aches. So I continue to search for answers….

Ephesians 3:17-19 So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of  God.

So for now the entire routine of life is halted, and there are no answers of where life is headed.  But I am slowly finding my way by reminding myself of who God is and what we mean to Him. I guess God is also reminding me of where my priorities should be: spending more time with my family, going for walks & bike riding  with my kids and family dinners.

If there is anything to gain here, it is the appreciation for the time I have to pray, to worship and to read; and most of all gaining a new appreciation for our church family, Fellowship. I sure miss the people who I don't get to see right now.

In all if this I am encouraged by one of my all time favorite verses in the bible - 

Isaiah 40:30-31 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

God bless, may the Lord be with each and every one of you.

Fellowship Church